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McGlincy Massacre Tour

Vengeance is mine, I will Repay, Saith the Lord

On May 26, 1896, around 11pm, A McGlincy family ranch hand, George Schaible, hid inside his employer’s hayloft after hearing gunshots. 


After hiding for about ten minutes, he heard the voice of his boss’ son-in-law, James Dunham, calling out to him “George? Where are you, George?”


What George Schaible did not yet know was that six members of the McGlincy household had just been brutally murdered by ax and pistol, at the hands of James Dunham.


This tour, taken at Oak Hill Memorial, investigates the murders and why James Dunham decided to kill six people that night.

Directions to the start of the tour are in slideshow #1. This tour only has one stop, but the story is broken into sections. When you finish one section (aka slide show), scroll to the next slideshow to continue the story.


Oak Hill Memorial is an active cemetery, so please be respectful of those around you who may be there to pay respects to their loved ones.

If you want to go offline, or view the text at larger size, you can download a PDF of the tour here:

Start with the slideshow below. It includes directions to the gravesite.

Did you find the graves? If so, start the slide show below! 

Now, let's explore why James Dunham committed this crime. Click through the slideshow below.

Finally, we explore the aftermath and how the Campbell community responded to the tragedy. Click through the slideshow below.

All done!

If you would like to learn more about the murders, you can read the following books: cold wrath by Barney Terrell, The McGlincy Killings in Campbell California by Tobin Gilman, and A Silent Man: The Dunham/McGlincy Murders by Douglass MacGowan

Tour created by 2021 Summer Intern, Lindsey Hanson


Tour layout conceptualized by 2020 Summer Intern, Jillian Ferini

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